Reasons the CEO Should Not Sell the Company
CEOs and
founders can sell their own
companies—unquestionably. They do it all the time. However, can they do
it effectively? Can they run the company and at the same time devote
the significant time that sell a company requires? Will they reach out
to a wide range of buyers and generate competitive offers? Will they
get the best price for the shareholders?
Selling a company at the best price and terms to the best buyer with
minimal problems is a difficult endeavor. Over the years I have
observed many CEOs attempting to sell their own companies. These CEOs
often make rookie mistakes and these blunders can cost the shareholders
real money.
At first glance, it is tempting for a CEO to try to sell his or her own
company. After all, he or she knows the company and the market very
well. A CEO’s mindset can often be characterized as: (a) I know the
industry; (b) I know how to negotiate; (c) I’m a smart guy… I can sell
the company. In addition, we will save a fee.
What follows are 1 common mistakes that founders and CEOs often make
when trying to sell the company themselves.
1. This Will be Easy
Many CEOs think selling a company is easy and the process
straightforward. Selling a company appears to be an interesting
challenge as well.
What they fail to realize is the tremendous amount of time and effort
required to do the job right. Without experience in M&A, they miss
the subtleties that can lead to the best price, better terms and a
smoother process. Plus, he or she must still run the company—a
full-time job in itself.
2. Ignoring Opportunity Cost
Where can the CEO add the most
value? Trying to sell it or continuing to build the company?
A CEO creates the most value by
running the company effectively. He or she provides leadership, keeps
things running smoothly, solves problems, increases revenues and keeps
the team pulling in the same direction.
3. No Full-Time
and contacting candidates is a full time task that takes several
months. This process can be very tedious—something that an executive
level person may not want to undertake. A CEO who is running a business
cannot possibly give full attention to a comprehensive search process.
4. Not
Generating Competitive Offers
CEOs tend to pick the low hanging
fruit; thus, their search is rarely
extensive. CEOs typically do a limited search, contacting about six
buyers. They think they know the market and which companies would be
good or poor buyers. Some are convinced that one particular buyer will
pay the highest price. CEOs rarely seek buyers in the tangential and
fringe markets.
Furthermore, once a CEO begins discussions, he stops looking for
additional buyers. He is content to engage one or two potential buyers.
Deals can fall apart; however, and it is smart to get multiple offers
and generate competitive bidding.
Reaching out to additional buyers simply creates more work for the CEO.
Many CEOs tacitly assume that the incremental price will not be worth
the incremental effort. This is not the case.
5. Failure
to Manage the Process
The sale of a company involves a multitude of detailed activities. The
process must be effectively managed. One doesn’t just make some calls
and have a few meetings. A professional intermediary can, coordinate
the activities, overcome the inevitable obstacles, and move the
transaction along in a timely manner.
6. Poor Positioning
CEOs generally are not skilled at positioning the company to potential
buyers. How should the company be presented? What technology or assets
should be emphasized?
Value must be viewed from an external perspective, not from
management’s internal perspective. Since value is extrinsic, buyers
will view value differently. This may be very different than how the
CEO views value.
7. Setting the Wrong Price
A CEO’s own prejudices can cloud the value issue. Unrealistic value
expectations can be deadly. What the market is willing to pay may be
very different from what the CEO thinks his company is worth or ought
to be worth. I have seen this problem derail a number of deals.
A CEO may want to sell only if the price is greater than a certain
threshold (where his or her stock options are in the money). This may
misprice the deal and it may not be in the best interests of other
8. Presenting the Wrong
Since they are not M&A experts, CEOs are not always aware of what
information should be communicated at different stages of the M&A
process. They will often give the wrong depth of detail—too much
information too soon or too little information too late.
CEOs often do not take the time to develop the proper documentation to
promote the sale. Most fail to draft an attractive selling memorandum.
In addition, CEOs typically portray their companies in a good very
light. “Everything is going great. We have great marketing, great
technology and great people.” It is difficult for them to view the
transaction from the buyers’ eyes. Glossing over the negatives is a red
flag for most buyers. And every company has some negatives.
CEOs rarely admit that they have done a poor job in marketing or sales.
However, a company with excellent technology that has not had the
capital to undertake a serious marketing effort can be positioned as an
opportunity for the buyer.
9. Poor Listening
A CEO usually focuses on the points he wants to make and what she wants
to say. One must listen with big ears. What is the buyer saying between
the lines? What are they really after? A good negotiator is a keen
The negotiator’s job is to figure out the other side’s issues and
motivations. A danger is not being aware of a problem before it becomes
full blown. You can’t solve or head off a problem if you are not aware
of it in the first place.
Plus, buyers will tell a third party things they would never tell the
CEO directly. This enables the third party to pick up clues along the
way about how strategic the technology is to the buyer or how the buyer
perceives value.
10. Representation Shows that
You are Serious
If a buyer receives an inquiry from an investment banker, it signals
that the company is serious about selling. Buyers do not want to waste
time with a company that is not serious. If the CEO is running the
process, how serious could they be?
11. Persistence can Imply
The CEO cannot push the transaction without appearing desperate. He
cannot call the buyer every other day. An intermediary can ramrod the
transaction, calling the buyer four times a week to keep the deal
moving. This is the advantage of being a third party; he is just doing
his job. Buyers expect him to be persistent. A persistent CEO, on the
other hand, can be perceived as a desperate seller.
12. Adversarial Beginings
Friction can develop between the buyer and seller. To avoid an
adversarial relationship, it is a good idea to have an intermediary
handle the negotiations. An experienced third party will be more adept
at dealing with troublesome issues.
A case in point is negotiating the president’s salary and option
package. Who can best negotiate these items—the CEO himself or a third
party? Let the third party be the bad guy.
13. The Myth of a Narrow Value
This is a subtle mistake, but a common one. CEOs assume that value
falls within a narrow range and that an interested buyer will pay them
what their company is worth. This presupposes, of course, that they
know what their company is worth.
The value of a technology company can vary widely. The same company
could be worth $4 million, $7 million, or $10 million depending on the
strategic fit with the buyer. The high price is several times the low
price—a huge range of value! Don’t assume that buyers will pay similar
14. Incorrectly Valuing the
Buyer's Stock
If the seller receives stock from the buyer, what is the accurate value
of that stock? A public company's stock price may not represent its
true value. What about receiving stock in a private company? The
valuation from the last financing round may not reflect the current
market or company situation. Most investment bankers have significant
experience determining value.
15. Uncreative
are many ways to structure a deal; it is not simply stock or cash. CEOs
are generally not very imaginative in coming up with creative
structuring ideas in which both parties might be better off. The key to
good structuring is to understand the objectives of each party and have
an open, creative mind set.
16. Simply Not Objective
A CEO is so intimately involved and entwined with the company that he
or she cannot possibly be objective. Objectivity is an important
strength of any outside advisor—they have different eyes, different
experience, and will view things differently. Even if a CEO has
previous M&A experience, he or she simply cannot be objective.
17. The Fallacy of
Saving a Fee
Everyone loves to save a fee. But is trying to save a fee really worth
it? Is the amount of the fee saved greater than the incremental value
that the CEO could add by focusing on building the business?
Rarely is the amount of fee saved greater than the value of the
president’s time. In addition, any fee saved is negligible in the
overall context of the deal.
CEOs underestimate the time and effort required to do an effective job
of selling a company. There are many moving parts in the sale process.
The best thing for the shareholders is to have a professional
intermediary sell the company, not the CEO.